Book IV. Title VII
Title Seven. Of the population of the Cities, Towns and villages.
Act first. That new stocks merge with the qualities of this law.
made the discovery by Sea or Land, according to the laws and orders,
which treat of him, and chosen the Province and County, any of you
people, and the site of the places where they have to hazer new
populations, and taken a seat on it, which they are to their
implementation, keep the following way. In
coastal site Marsea up healthy and strong, having regard to coat bottom
and defense of the port, and if possible not come the Sea to the south,
the west, and
these, and other towns inland, choose the site for which they were
vacant and available to us, can deal without perjuizio of the Indians,
and natural, or with his consent: and when the plant do Instead, divide
it by your plates, streets and plots to line and rule, from the Plaça
començando mayoir, and drawing from it the streets to the gates and main
roads and open bar dexando therefore, that although the population
growth will largely be can always continue and expand in the same way. Try
to have water nearby, and that can lead the people and lands, deriving
it, if possible, for better aprovecharle it, and necessarios materials
for buildings, land, culture and grass, with which escusarán the hard
work and costs, which follow from a distance., Do
not choose sites for people in high places, through the hassle of the
winds, and difficulty of the service and acarreto, shoals or places,
they are often sick, fundense in moderately raised, gozen discovered
that the winds of the north and south: and whether
to have land, or slopes, are in the Levante and Poniente: and if not
puedieren excuse of the high places, melted in a place where not subject
to fogs, haziédo observation of what is most appropriate to the health
and accidents, which can offer: and where to build the bank of a river,
provide for the population so that the sun coming out, first in the
town, than in water.
Act if. That huviendo chosen site, the governor declared if it be city, town, or place, and assi form the Republic.
Earth, Province and Place to be hazer new population, and ascertained
the comfort and facilities, which can haver, in whose district the
Governor in session, or confinare, declare the People, which has to
settle, if it be City, Villa, or Place, and according to that which
finds form the Council, and Officers della Republica, so that if huviere
City, has Iuez vn, with the title of Adelantado, or alcalde mayor, or
magistrate, or mayor ordinary that the jurisdició exerça infolidum, and
together with the Regiment has the administration of the Republic, two,
or three officers of the Royal Exchequer : twelve aldermen, two
executores Faithful: two from each parish Iurados: vn Attorney general:
Butler vn: vn scrivener of Council, two public Escrivanos: vno Crier
more: vn broker market: two goalkeepers, and fi Diocefana, or
fufraganea, eight Aldermen and other officials perpetual, to the towns
and villages, ordinary Mayor: four aldermen: Alguazil vn, vn of the
Council and public scribe: and vn Butler.
IIJ Act. That the land and proximity is abundant and healthy.
that the land and proximity, to be people, chosen as much as possible
the most fertile, abundant grass, firewood, timber, materials, water,
candy, people
carries, input and output, and have no close gaps, or Pathans in
venomous animals are bred or are corruption of ayres, or water.
Law iiij. That does not populate Ports, which are not good and necessarios for trade and defense.
not choose sites for open Peoples maritime places, because of the
danger of pirates in them, and not be so healthy, and because it gives
people not to till and cultivate the land, or how well the customs they ,
except it be where there are some good and major ports, and of these
only populate those that may be necessarios for entry, trade and defense
of the earth.
Act V. That efforts be found near Rios models, and there's crafts, causing filth.
Porove be of much convenience to merge Peoples Rios near waterways, to have better
tragin and trade, such as maritime. ordain
that blend assi, if the site permits it, and that the solar Butchers,
Fishmongers, tanneries, and other offices, causing filth and odor, from
gaining access to the Rio Azia, or Sea, with more to be kept clean and
sanitary populations.
Vj Act. That the territory is not taken into Puerto de Mar, or in part, to prejudice.
for new territory and population can not be granted or taken by
assiento Sea Ports or in part, that at some time may result in perjuizio
our Royal Crown, or the Republic, because our will is, that can be
reserved for Nos.
Vij Act. That the territory is divided between those who hiziere capitulation, and people, as ordered.
The term and territory, that giveth to resident by capitulation, delivered in the form below. Take
off first things which is necessary for oxide solar and competent
people, and they can graze deliessa plenty of cattle, which should have
the vezinos, and yet another for both own the place: the rest of the
territory and end is made four parts: the vna of them, shall choose,
that for which it gives the people obliged to hazer, and the other three
are distributed in equal lots for residents.
VIIj Act. It manufactured the main temple on the site, and disposal, ordering, and other churches and monasteries.
Mediterranean areas the Temple is not manufactured in the plate thin
somewhat distant from it, which is separated from other Any building
that does not belong to your comfort and adornment, and because of all
parties is seen, and more revered, I quoted something up of soil, so
that it
to go by steps, and between Plaça greater, and Temple will edify the
royal houses, council, or board, Customs, and Shipyard, in such away
that autorizen the Temple, and did not get pregnant, and if need be can
help, and if people whether at sea, so get ready, which is seen leaving
the Ocean, and made a defense of the port, pointing solar near him, and
not his then Royal Houses that are manufactured and stores on board to
own, imposing tribute in moderate algú merchandise: and also on other
boards sites less than parish churches and monasteries, where they are
Act ix. That site, size, and arrangement of the plate is as ordered.
Plaça greater, where the population has començar, being Sea coast, is
deve hazer the landing at the port, and if it is Mediterranean place in
the midst of the population in painting as long, that at
least have long and a half times its width, because it will be most
suitable for the holidays to horse, and others: his greatness
commensurate to the number of vezinos, and having regard to the
populations may be increasing, not less that two hundred feet in width,
and three hundred long, or more than eight hundred feet long and five
hundred and thirty-two wide, and will be medium, and good proportion, if
six hundred feet long and four hundred wide : the Plaça out four main
streets, vna through each side, and others WITH THESE, two for each
corner: the four corners to the four winds look main assi out because
streets are not exposed to Plaça the four winds , which will be very
inconvenient. All contour and the four main streets, which
she has to go out, have websites for the convenience of the tracer,
which usually attend, and the eight streets, which are output from the
four corners, go free, without being in the portals of form, to make the
right with the Plaça azera and street.
Act x. Form of the streets.
cold places are wide streets, and the hot narrow, and where horses
huviere agree, that to defend himself on those occasions, be broad, and
dilate in the manner aforesaid, seeking, not extending to give at some
disadvantage, which be rebuilt because of the disfiguring and damaging
to his defense and comfort.
Xj Act. That reparean by strong solar.
Repartanse. The
lots to the residents by strong, continuing from those corresponding to
the plate more, and the rest are for us hazer their mercy to them that
he comes to new people, or whatever it will. And we order that always take the place made the plant, which has founded.
Xij Act. That does not build houses three hundred Passos round the walls.
order that near the walls, or ellacadas of new populations, distance of
three hundred Passos not build houses, which assi suits our service,
security and defense stocks, as is provided in Castles and Fortresses.
Xiij Act. That point comerente oxide for the People.
oxides are so competent in distance, if creciere the population,
provided there is sufficient space so that people can recreate, and
leave cattle without damage hazer.
Xiiij Act. That brought debessas, and land for themselves.
competent amount of land designated for oxide of the population, and
growth, in accordance give it provided, indicate such property held the
power to hazer
and new population, deheslas, confining with the oxides, where the oxen
graze give work, horses, and cattle to the slaughter, and for the
ordinary number of other cattle, the villagers have tenr by ordenança,
and some good deal more, q is specific to the Cócejo, and restate it in
land, to make strong, and many are as solar, which can haver in the
population, and if huviere irrigated lands, assimismo become stronger,
and distributed in proportion to the first settlers, and others are
valdias, so that we do mercy to them that they be new to people: and
these lands do you separate the Viceroys parecieren convenient to own
Peoples, not the tuvieren, that faith to help pay the salaries of the
magistrates, dexando oxides, dehessas, and grass enough, as it is
provided and assi executen.
Law xv. who having sown the people, begin to build.
which is made of seed and cattle accommodated in such quantity, and
good prevention, with the grace of God our Lord can expect plenty of
provisions, starting with care and diligence to establish and build
their houses with good foundation and walls, and go apercividos of mud
walls, tables, and all other tools and instruments, which are suitable
for building briefly, and at little cost.
Xvj Act. That made the plant, each arm vno tooldo on his land, and made palisades on the board.
the plant and distribution of lots, each of the residents vno try
assembling your awning, and persuade them to captains that will lead to
the other provisions: or made with wood and ramadas ranches where you
can pick up, and all with the greatest diligence and promptness make
palisades and trenches at zero of the plate, because the Indians recivan
Xvij Act. That the houses are available under this Act.
dsipongan, that the land, buildings and houses are of vna way, for the
adornment of the population, and to enjoy North winds at noon,
vniendolos, to serve as a defense against those who fuerça estorvar or
as they will infest , and to ensure that every house can have their
horses and beasts of fervicio, with yards and yards, and the greater
width, as may be possible, that enjoy health and cleanliness.
Xviij Act. That says that people will go for new residents of Cologne, and as has been described.
that when it beareth any City Colony, have the obligation and Regiment
hazer Iusticia describe to the Council scrivener people who may wish to
go to hazer new population, admitting to all
people, children and descendants of settlers from where huviere out,
not having solar or pasture land and labor, and excluding the tuvieren
because depopulation is not what is already populated.
Law xix. That the people are elected Iusticia and Regiment, and recorded flows.
the number of those who will go to people, they choose the most able
Iusticia and Regiment, and each record vno flow, you have to go to use
the new population.
Law xx. Let's try assientos ecution of facts to people.
assiento taken to new population, by way of Cologne, Advancement, City
Hall, township, village, or place, the Council, and it scared huvieren
in the Indies, not met with
taken and made alsiento and always Vayá governando, and order as put
into execution, and take account of what it may be working.
Xxj Act. That the Governor and Iustica enforce the villagers assientos
order that the Governor and the People Iusticia, which again will
resettle, ex officio, or to motion of a party, to enforce the assientos
by all who are bound by new populations with much diligence and care,
and the Aldermen, and Attorneys ask Council with the request against the
people, than to the plaços that is required huvieren not met, they are
compelled by law rigorously carried out as to which capitulated, and q
the Iuezes proceed against anfentes, and be imprisoned populations, q
requisitions ships against abide in other jurisdictions, and all the
Insticias met, the penalty of our mercy.
Xxij Act. That says that people have to apply the work of the population.
faithful executores and Alarifes, and people who diputare the Governor,
be careful to see how it fulfills the orders, and all hurry up the work
and building for an end to the population soon.
Xxiij Act. impodieren That if the natural population can be persuaded to peace, and the villagers continue.
the natives as they will defend the new population, are given to
understand that the intention of settling there, is to teach them to
know God and his holy
law, by the qual is saved, and make friends with them and teach them to
live politically, not to hazerles no harm, nor take away their
haciendas, And so I can be persuaded by gentle means, ed intervention of
Religious and secular clergy, and others, that diputare the Governor,
making use of interpreters, and
by all means good possibles, that the population is made with peace and
cósentimiento, and if you have not consents, haviendoles required,
according to the law 9. TITLE EDIT. 4. Libro3 residents do their population, irrespective of whatever aprticular of the Indians, and no more perjuizio hazerles.
Xj Act. That the Governors do not oblige the aldermen, or à vezinos get permission to go to his tent.
Porqve some aldermen and the Cities have haciendas, and stays within in
the jurisdiction, and not more than four distando, or six leagues, some
Governors prevent them from going to them without special license of
you, who receive grievance. We
sent to the Governors , Lieutenants, and Iusticias, that these
departures and absences, SIEDO short, do not put serious cause
impairment without force.
Xij Act. That the composition of the grocery stores, and their contribution, will save the provisions.
haviendose sent by us, which dexando in each location of the Indies
Spanish grocery stores, that just Suessen NEEDED for the supply, cóforme
to the capacity of each people, all the rest of us by way of
composition pagassen every seventh year, from thirty to forty dollars,
and for more clarity of the aforesaid, and their ease of execution, that
the little stores of ordenáça señalassen that Fuessen for the supply,
or the nombrassen the councils, not to innovate in what huviesse
constumbre, and in these alterasse not the manner and form, which kept
Havia visit: composition and pudiessen not be visited by the Councils,
nor interfere in their Escrivanos q tocasse them, for what we for the
qual inhibited, and mandanios, visitassen that in the cities of Lima and
Mexico, the Mayors of Hearings of them, and others where huviesse
Hearings, the Judges: and in other places the
and aldermen, or their lieutenants, all liability, or their
lieutenants, all around the limitation that not more than four pudiessen
hazaer visits each year, consisting not that noticeable excessos
huviessen, or haviendo whistleblowers, according to law, and that the
grocery stores of ordenança Fuessen no preferred site or privilege to
which pagassen composition, before this all just and possible Fuessen
favored and preferred: and that if vtilidad enjoy this, quesiessen pay
off, as fuesse voluntarily, admitiessen to composition, and Officers
ordenasse to our Royal Treasury, and accountant of Auditors, which
assentasse and cobrasse what resultasse desto, as a member of our
Exchequer, and with particular distinction and clarity remitiesse to our
Council of the Indies reason of what this valiesse each year in each
Party. And because Indian Peoples was understood, which he had many grocery stores, being prohibited by ordenças of Provinces. We had to either go swimming, that where currently hubiesse, Fuessen admitted to copoficio in the amounts mentioned, and
none huviesse not cosientissen put, or that they hiziesse trouble the
Indians, that his tuviessen by, licensed by the Government, not the
Indians taking home price, or interest in it, and that the same
entendiesse in the chicha, which are allowed by the ordenças Fuessen and
that those Indian Peoples of Havia not haver any puolperia of ordenança
for the supply, not to be necessária vso and support for common, and
everything above is executado in form it has proved more convenient, we
have been noticed, and we have been approved and for good. Sort
and command, which assi keep faith and comply, without anything new to
hazer while dispusieremos not something else, which is assi our will.
· That the owners of Black quadrillas take home Varinas populated, and residence, law 27. tit. 5. Book 7.
· That in the cities, towns, and places are made Jails, Law 1. tit. 6. lib. 7.
· The Deputy Ruler visit the prisons, and recognize the processos, law 23. tit. 6. lib. 7.
and Councils
Act first. That elections and councils are made in the Houses of City Hall, and elsewhere.
walk to the Councils Iusticia and Cities Regiment, Villas, and Places
of India, who come together to hazer councils, elections for mayors and
other officials, and to treat what is appropriate for the good of the
Republican whether it be in the council houses, which are devoted to
this, that if penalty is elsewhere juntaren, incurred by that infringe
on forfeiture of their offices, not vsar more of them, and that are not
without force necessidad extraordinary Councils and citation of all the
Chapter, made by the Caretaker, the qual want to scribe the Town Council
haverlos cited, and be saved and assi
compliance, our Sardinia penalty, and fifty thousand maravedis for our Chamber, to every contravening vno.
Law ij. That the Governors do not make the councils at home, or carry them military Ministers
We order to the Governors, who always do the Councils in
the houses of the City, not yours, not cause as severe haviendo nor
relevant, requiring otherwise, and do not carry, nor condone, involving
Ministers military or give an impression to the Chapter, for work, nor
word, cause, or reason, that can move, or impede the fable to defend the
people, and not put estorvo in the population.
Xxiiij Act. That during the work excuse communication with the natives.
As long as the new town residents seek just as much as possible and try to avoid communication
the Indians, do not go to the People, or split, or fun for the land, or
allow the Indians to enter the circuit of the population, until done,
and start on defense, and the houses so that Quando Indians see them,
they cause admiration, and understand that the Spanish assiento inhabit
there, and the fear and respect, to desire their friendship, not offend.
Law xxv. Not finishing the population within the time by accident, can be extended.
for unforeseen circumstances have occurred, villagers huvieren just
turned the population in the terms contained in assiento not lost, and
lose it who have spent, or built, or incur the penalty, and that will
rule the earth it may extend, as the case of offereth.
Xxvj Act. Then sow the villagers, and to let their cattle in debessas, where no harm to the Indians.
and so delay the arable land are dealt, the settlers planted all the
seeds, which ultimately carried, and THEY MAY haver, that should, to be
very preveidos: and for ease dipute vna perfona Governor, to deal to
plant and cultivate the land of bread, and pulses, which then can help:
ye the dehessa throw all the cattle, which ultimately carried, and THEY
MAY together with their marks and signs, to then begin to breed and
multiply; dode parts are safe, and do not do damage to lands, crops, or
other things of the Indians.
Hospitals to merge under the law 2. tit. 4. lib. 1.
Act first. That cities, towns, and places of the Indies with the Coats of Arms, granted to them huvieren.
understand consideration the good and loyal service, we have made the
cities, towns, and places of our West Indies, and islands adjacent, and
the neighbors, individuals, and have natural and has attended the peace
population. It is our willingness to grant, and grant to
the said cities, towns, and places, which have as their weapons and
currency indicated and especially huvieren known that Mr. Reyes received
from our parents, and us, and because they concedieren our sucessores,
so that they can bring and put on their Banners, Banners, Váderas,
Badges, Seals, and other parties, and places that they want to, and well
any, in the form and arrangement, the other cities of our kingdoms, to
whom we have mercy on Weapons and Foreign Exchange. and send to all of our kingdoms Iusticias Lordships, that being
assi observe to do, and do not consent to disability in all or in part,
the penalty of our worship, and of ten thousand maravedis for our
Law ij. That Mexico City has the first vote and instead between New Spain.
response to the greatness and nobility of Mexico City and therein lies
to the Viceroy, Government, and Audiencia of New Spain, and was the
first city populated by Christians. It is our will and
desire and command that has the first vote of Cities, and Villas of New
Spain, as it has in these our kingdoms the City of Burgos, and the first
place, after Iusticia in the congresses, that hizieren by our command,
for so he is not our intention, nor will, that can be assembled Cities
and Villas India.
IIJ Act. Iusticia of Mexico that has the jurisdiction quinzeleguas ordinary in his term.
That the Iusticia of the tegan Mexico City civil and criminal
jurisdiction in the fifteen miles of the term, which are appointed, and
you can see and hear in the first instance of the causes and crimes that
befall him, with that appeals, which huvieren go right instead of to
our audience, and Royal Chancellery, which it resides, and not know of
queues, and causes touching to Indians, because our will is, it touches
and belongs to the Viceroy, and Hearing in the manner prescribed, and
the headers and towns, as Tezcuco, and others who are in Villages, and
fall within these terms, are separated, and outside the jurisdiction of
Mexico: and assimismo with all these terms are of grass common to all
neighbors, residents and inhabitants of New Spain in the time which they
would desembaracados, for
our laws, and is willing ordenacas, keeping the remaining fruit.
Iiij Act. That the city of Cuzco is the most principal of Peru, and have the first vote in New Castile.
is our will and ordain, that the City of Cuzco is the most primary and
first vote of all other cities, and villas, there is, and huviere
throughout the province of New Castile. and
send that as principal, and first vote if you can speak, or his
attorney in things, and cases that are offered, concurring with the
other cities and villas of the said Province, the first and foremost,
that any of them, and to be saved all honors, pre-eminences, privileges,
and immunities, which is why he devieren save.
V Act. That the City of Kings will keep the exceptions and privileges granted.
The viceroys of Peru,
the Royal Court, and lusticias saved, and enforce and comply with the
privileges and exceptions granted to the City of Kings, as in cótienen
despechadas warrants and provisions, so that city as the governancy
assiento is always higher ennobled and enlarged, according to his
services rendered to our Royal Crown, and do not give rise to that about
to happen to our Board of India.
Vj Act. That the Viceroys, Audiences, and governors do not give titles of Cities, and Villas.
That for any reason, no reason the Viceroys, Audiences, Governors,
Ministers and other qualesquier the Indies, than they are, give titles
of Cities, Villas or to any of the People, or Places of Spanish or
Indian, eximinan nor the jurisdiction of the main headers: with
apercevimiento, that they will take their refidencias, because this
grant and faculty must be ordered on our Board of India, and
for zero titles, that contrary to avencion contained in this Act to
qualesquier dieren People and Places: refpect and new populations, and
foundations provisions store.
Vij Act. That in large cities are not natural Lieutenants or bazendados
A Viceroys, and Judges, which by reason of not admitting Corregidores
Lieutenants of large cities to the natives, or ranchers in them, observe
and comply with the provisions of laws Royals, and do not consent, or
allow dispensing, or tolerance any case, for the disadvantages, which
reultan to the public cause, and good administration of justice.
Vivj Act. That the Viceroys and Governors to appoint interim who serve in the offices of Cavildo.
ordered the Viceroys, and Governors, escusen making interim appointment
to the offices of City Council of Cities, by the absence of their
Ix law. To avoid fires in the City of Veracruz, and other
very careful we have the fires in the City of Veracruz, for public
reasons, there is to it, and wanting remedy in the future, it is our
will that the viceroys of New Spain to take into consideration three
warnings. The
first, as these legal presumpcion fire, although sometimes random,
usually because hazen and cause, negligence and omission of the
inhabitants, the qual comes to be more than can fault for being careless
in what both agrees, that there will be good to order, that as these
buildings consist of tables, the house where the fire goeth out, and the
inhabitants thereof, as
who began the damage, be obliged to which succeed it, will live with carefully qual. The
second, which dipute any person, or persons, that at night they
remember, keep the fire road as in many provinces and kingdoms, where
this is practiced, and the buildings are of a table. The
third, that the royal houses never have to be continuous with other
buildings, but separated by considerable distance, more than fifteen
Passos, so that the damage does not result in third in our royal houses,
and this is observed in other Citidades where contirran the same
Act x. That part of the Butchers ab.issto not supported positions to clergy or religious.
no city, village, or location is permissible, not Reciva position to
supply the Butchers, to cterigos, convents, or religios, but to lay
people, and llnas that can be hard-pressed to compliance, and ugly n
year, or the time that it proves convenient to governae the Province.